The suburb known for its trucks and warehouses has been invaded with great coffee haunts and cafés of late and is billed as a potential successor to Surry Hills and Redfern for the next "it" hood. Which means it's also been invaded by brunchers – so watch for queues. You'll find the city's savvier food-lovers gathered at the café-bakery-urban farm that is the Grounds of Alexandria. Or lining up for flaky pies at Bourke Street Bakery. Or snacking on pizza slabs at Cipro. Or shopping at Salt Meats Cheese. Or getting their coffee nerdery on at Don Campos. Or even sucking up some pasta at Café Sopra. But there are some old faves that have hung in as the gentrification's been taking hold – the Alexandria Hotel is still an excellent old pub, and a spiritual home for Swans fans everywhere.