Man wearing mask smiling
Photograph: Gayatri Malhotra/Unsplash
Photograph: Gayatri Malhotra/Unsplash

29 cool side effects of wearing a face mask all the time

Every face-covering cloud has a silver lining


Wearing a mask is now mandatory in just about all public indoor settings in Sydney, but unlike our neighbours to the south in Melbourne, the whole keeping your face covered thing is still all a bit new to us Harbour City folk.

And sure, given the choice, most of us would probably opt out of having to wear masks if it were safe to do so. But until then, we might as well look for the best in a bad situation. When you think about it, there are few cheeky perks of wearing a mask all the time.

The unintended upsides to wearing face masks all the time

1. If you forget to brush your teeth, it’s no big deal (for other people, anyway).

2. If you've got food in your teeth, it’s no big deal.

3. If you have a rogue booger in your nose, it’s no big deal.

4. You can wear pimple cream on your face when going out and no one will ever know.

5. If you wear makeup, you only have to do half your face – just throw on a smokey eye and you’re good to go. Money saving!

6. Masks keep your face snuggly warm in winter.

7. If you’re attempting to grow a beard you can keep your face covered during that straggly, Tom-Hanks-stuck-on-an-island-WILSON phase.

8. It’s an additional way to support small businesses and local creatives (take a look at those making masks here).

9. You can chew with your mouth open and no one will know.

10. Masks have allowed you to upcycle your old T-shirts and tea towels (here’s how).

11. No one can tell you to "smile, you’ll look prettier" (well they can, but it’d be moot).

12. You can grimace at people and they won't know.

13. You practice your lip-syncing while out and about on the street without judgement.

14. You can eat out of it like a mini horse feedbag (advisable at home only – do not attempt with soup).

15. Masks look great with a killer winged eyeliner.

16. Masks are a great way to show off your pets.  

17. You get to perfect your smeyesing (smiling with your eyes).

18. Masks are another great way to accessorise your look.

19. You don’t need as much sunscreen.

20. You don’t need as much fake tan.

21. If you have a bad pimple, the mask will keep it a secret (unless it’s on your forehead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

22. A face mask and sunglasses combo = cheap and easy Invisible Man cosplay.

23. You don’t need to do the awkward half-smile at people who are passing you; this goes double if you recognise them. Big win for the socially awkward.

24. You can now express everything from utter disgust to ecstatic joy with only your eyes and your brows.

25. You can (quietly) sing, talk, smile or laugh to yourself while out walking and it’s not weird (everybody does it).

26. Wearing a mask when outside can help reduce hayfever symptoms.

27. Public life is now a masked ball 24/7 which really makes the lockdown much sexier, right?

28. Masks are the new scented candle of gift giving. Can't think of a gift for someone? Get ‘em a mask!

29. Running while wearing a mask is basically altitude training. No, you don't have to wear a mask while exercising, but you can if you wish (and now I have lungs of steel).

What you can and cannot do right now

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