Ahoy there. The already fruity showtunes of Gilbert and Sullivan get a genderqueer re-do in this Hayes Theatre take on beloved comic opera HMS Pinafore. Directed by Kate Gaul, this Sirens Theatre Co produced show brings the sequins and sea-spray to the Riverside Theatres this time round for Sydney Festival, January 13-23, 2021.
There’s a hint of Titanic- in this class-smashing romance that sees the captain’s daughter fall for a tattooed sailor with a secret. Now that’s more than enough camp fantastic to float away on in sweet n saucy bliss. Our reviewer Cassie Tongue said of the original run, “Camp is embedded in everything… every element is a little more playful than you would expect, even though there’s great fondness behind the tongues in cheeks and twinkles in eyes.”
She adds, “There’s a sense of celebration here, of revelling in old comedy told through a knowing 2019 lens. And Gaul isn’t afraid to take her time, building to a joke, letting a moment hang in the air. She keeps us connected to the story, and that means the comedy is even more effective.”
Love it? Here's our guide to the best of the rest of this year's Sydney Festival.