Kewpie is giving out free samples of their mayo and dressings

Here’s where and when you can score some Kewpie mayo and Japanese dressings to instantly up your snack-making game.
Kewpie Poached Chicken Breast Salad
Supplied | Poached Chicken Breast Salad
By Time Out in association with Kewpie

Everyone loves Kewpie – the Japanese mayonnaise that was invented way back in 1925 and is beloved the world over for its egg-yolk rich umami flavour. Kewpie was once an unsung hero, a secret weapon in the kitchen. It now commands loyalists from chefs to home cooks, and its following in Australia is just as devoted as anywhere in the world.

Building on the flagship mayo, there are now two Kewpie dressings available in Woolworths and Coles nationwide: tangy-sweet, sesame seed-flecked, and every bit as likely to hook you from the first taste. Available as Sesame Soy (with a lighter flavour and tangy aroma) and Roasted Sesame (nutty and creamy), these dressings can instantly up your Japanese snack game in the kitchen when applied to salads, snacks, sashimi and more. 

But don't take our word for it: try it for yourself when Kewpie and Time Out join forces to give away free samples at a location near you. Score 25ml of Kewpie Japanese Dressing Roasted Sesame and Kewpie Japanese Dressing Sesame Soy, plus 20g samples of Kewpie Mayonnaise Original Flavour and Kewpie Mayonnaise Sriracha Flavour.

Where and when to get a free sample of Kewpie mayo and Japanese dressing.

Westfield Sydney Pitt St Mall Thu-Sat Sep 8-10, 11am-4pm  
Westfield Miranda Sun Sep 11, 11am-3pm
Westfield Warringah Thu Sep 15, 11am-3pm
Westfield Hornsby Fri Sep 16, 11am-3pm
Westfield Bondi Junction Sat Sep 17, 11am-3pm
Westfield Burwood Sun Sep 18, 11am-3pm


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