Speed dating may once have carried a stigma that suggested desperation, but in today’s fast-paced, infinitely connected world, it’s become something of a lifeline for those looking to get out and meet new people in the flesh. It’s all about expanding your horizons by meeting new people sans pressure, and having fun along the way. Here, we recommend some of Sydney’s best speed dating nights, for men of all persuasions.
A guide to cool speed dating in Sydney

CitySwoon holds the Guinness World Record for largest blind date, and as for their speed-dating services, they go above and beyond in that area too. Instead of circulating the night’s players amongst tables, people are matched live at the event via text message. In chic venues like Parson’s Bar in Pott’s Point, Papa Gede’s Bar in the CBD, The Wanderer in Surry Hills, and the Firehouse Hotel in North Sydney, the night’s participants hang out as they would in a normal bar, and can message their matches to meet up with them where they choose to. That means that instead of going from table to table, the young single professionals that come along can meet at the bar, hang out outside, or invite their matches to join them at their table.