
You could name Sydney’s famous gay penguin couple’s new chick

The winner of the name game will get to meet the Antarctic family

Alannah Le Cross
Written by
Alannah Le Cross
Arts and Culture Editor, Time Out Sydney

In November we received the much-needed adorable news that Sphen and Magic, Sydney’s famous same-sex penguin couple, had successfully adopted a new chick. The little waddler is the couple’s second baby, and one of a brood of seven new Gentoo Penguin chicks hatched at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. There’s just one thing – this young one needs a name, and the Darling Harbour aquarium is putting it out to the public to help come up with one. 

“The baby chicks are just as big as their parents now and they need names,” said Kerrie Dixon, penguin supervisor. “We thought the best way to celebrate Penguin Awareness Day (on January 20) and raise awareness for the role our adorable colony plays in driving awareness for their wild counterparts and the threats to their survival, is to give Sphen and Magic fans around the world the chance to name their second chick.”

The person who comes up with the most fitting name chosen for the babe will be invited onto the ice at the penguin enclosure to meet and snap selfies with Sphen, Magic and their chick, as well as receiving a penguin birth certificate. The competition is open to anyone around the world, so those outside NSW or Australia will be invited onto the ice virtually via Zoom. 

Sea Life Sydney Aquarium gives each of its penguins identities based on their personalities, meaning that gender is not an important construct when naming the chicks. So, a little about Sphen and Magic’s bundle of joy: according to the aquarium’s team of penguin carers, the chick was the largest and was laid in the biggest egg, too. They’re also brave, bold and love food. FYI, The couple’s older child is named Lara (although they were briefly named ‘Sphengic’). 

The competition closes at 11.59pm AEST on Tuesday 26 January 2021, with the winner and the winning name selected and contacted on Wednesday 27 January 2021. For more information and to enter the competition, click here

By the way, there's more babies at the aquarium...

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