
You can now learn German online with a world-leading cultural institute

The Goethe-Institut is moving all its classes online.

Written by
Divya Venkataraman

Guten Tag! If your German knowledge ends there, then you'll be glad to know that the world famous cultural association, the Goethe-Institut, is moving all of its German language courses online in response to the Covid-19 crisis which has shuttered its in-person tuition. 

Picking up German now is a good idea, if only so you don't end up like JFK, whose shoddy German pronunciation spawned the urban legend that he declared he was a "proud doughnut" to a worldwide audience in Berlin. Turns out 'Berliner' has multiple meanings. If you'd rather avoid ambiguity, sign up for classes online.   

For fluency in a flash, the Institut's intensive courses begin next week. It's a great opportunity to use your iso-period to learn the native tongue of the likes of Mozart, Freud and Heidi Klum. If you're in it for the long run, the Institut's traditional 10-week courses start from mid-April. Check out the full list of course dates here

The Institut's small group format allows you to learn the language according to your schedule. Check in during your lunch break, or once you feel your brain melting from too much Netflix streaming. There are virtual group sessions too, so you get the interaction so vital to really immersing in a language. Once you've mastered the basics, you can access the Institut's Onleihe digital library with more than 35,000 German language texts and videos free to download. If you're not quite ready to commit to finessing your German skills for the long haul, you can try out online evening classes for free from April 14-16.

Looking for more isolation hobbies? Check out watercolour calligraphy and pottery lessons at this online craft hub with local makers. 

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