
When will we get to see a solar eclipse next in Sydney?

Here's what you need to know if you're keen to witness this sunny spectacle for yourself

Liv Condous
Written by
Liv Condous
Lifestyle Writer
solar eclipse
Photograph: Supplied

In case you missed it, a total solar eclipse just entranced millions of people in the Northern Hemisphere. On April 8, the moon glided past the sun and blocked out its rays in a spectacular display. But sadly for us Down Under, the moment of magic took place before the sun had risen in our skies – and wasn't visible from anywhere in Australia. If you're keen to witness this wildly sublime spectacle in our city, luckily, you won't have to wait that long. We've done the research for you, so here's everything you need to know about how to see the next solar eclipse visible from Sydney.

When is the next solar eclipse happening in Sydney?

The next solar eclipse visible from Sydney will occur four years from now, on July 22, 2028. The eclipse will begin at around 12.30pm and be at its peak just before 2pm, finishing just after 3pm. So mark your calendars and hope that our winter skies are cloudless on that day. 

Where is the best place to view the next solar eclipse? 

Luckily for Sydneysiders, the best place to view the total solar eclipse in 2028 is right here in NSW. The path of totality crosses right over the Emerald City and stretches over the Northern Territory, so it's not the time to be booking a trip interstate or overseas.

How often are solar eclipses visible?

Solar eclipses are only visible from the exact same location every 126 years. But, solar eclipses happen around the world every 18 months or so. The next solar eclipse we'll hopefully catch a glimpse of in Sydney will occur on November 25, 2030. But again, it'll only be a partial eclipse, with the total eclipse visible from Adelaide and Brisbane. 

In the meantime, if you’re keen to see some celestial sights, a rare comet is passing through our skies very soon

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