
When it rains in Sydney, it pours commuter chaos

Olivia Gee
Written by
Olivia Gee

When you want to unite a city, give the populous a common enemy: the dreaded minor city flood. Sydney is never more unified – albeit quite frazzled – than during a good storm. While our counterparts in Lismore and other NSW flood plains might scoff at merely a month’s worth of wet in half a day, city dwellers were pretty impressed with this morning's downpour, even if they were a little put out during their morning journey to work.

Some made the most of their moment in the sun, so to speak, and garnered social media fame.

“[My girlfriend] turned around just after she took this, made it to work a little late, a little cold, but happy she basically went somewhat viral,” says Edwin Smith.

Others were just happy to make it to the office, even if it meant a smelly car engine and a few tears along the way.

“My partner who has to drive another hour to his workplace has decided to stay off the road. We lost our car number plate, must be floating somewhere in the city. And our car engine smells,” Blue kim says.

Those without wheels battled with our infamously waterlogged train systems. Lewisham was particularly well hydrated.

“My partner Rohan took the photo this morning trying to get to work. He ended up walking to Summer Hill station. I didn’t even attempt to leave the house.”

Bronwyn McDonald got very wet feet, but reckons she swam through the worst of it with ease during her 6.30am commute through Town Hall Station.

And then there were those who took the opportunity to play Noah and save our bedraggled fury city friends.

“The kind man in this [picture] called his owner who picked Max up two stops away in St Peters,” says pooch protector Peter Toohey.

We’d say Max is enjoying a well-earned Schmackos by now.

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