
TikTok your hip hop wannabe moves with Shaun Parker & Company

Stephen A Russell
Written by
Stephen A Russell
Libby Montilla wants you to TikTok your BUBBLE moves
Photograph: supplied | Libby Montilla wants you to TikTok your BUBBLE moves

If constant bombardment with tips for self-improvement feels a bit blooming much in the middle of a lockdown, then Shaun Parker & Company has your back. The contemporary dance outfit has a fantastic idea that's actually, well, fun to try out. 

Before the Great Indoors, artistic director Shaun Parker and his dancers were working on a new piece called Bubble with Taiwanese Bubble Performance Master Su Chung Tai. He creates mind-blowing shapes from ordinary blowing bubble liquid. A huge hit back home, he has broken no fewer than four Guinness World Records, for the most bubbles blown inside one giant offering, and also the most bubbles linked in a chain.

Expanding into contemporary dance, his glistening bubble art is the perfect visual companion for Shaun Parker & Company's silky steps. Lathering up soapy goodness together in rehearsals, they've shifted their vision online in increasingly creative ways, videoing sequences at home and throwing them to each other to expand digitally.  

Western Sydney hip hop dancer Libby Montilla picked up on what Tai was putting down, adapting everyday home moves from thorough hand-washing to obsessive vacuuming, and posting super-cute hip hop-inspired vids to the company’s TikTok account daily.

Now, they want you to get in on the action and respond to the dance of the day on TikTok. Encouraging you to spin your own creative response with whatever comes to hand. All you have to do is take a look around your pad (you probably know every forgotten junk corner pretty well by now), snap up an everyday object or chore and post your own smooth moves inspired by them to TikTok using the hashtags #dancechallenge #shaunparkercompany.

Fellow dancers Samuel Beazley, Rachel Trent and Isabel Estrella have taken his and Tai's moves and added their own ideas from home, as you can see in this Facebook vid. 

“Seeing our dancers replicate the last moves of the previous artist and then take the dance in a completely new direction has been so exciting with Bubble,” Parker says. “I would love for keen dancers all over the country to join us and add their own moves and talent to what has the potential to become a truly global dance chain.”

The boundlessly enthusiastic Montilla will also lead after-home school hip hop classes for kids aged eight and over, teaching them tutting and popping dance skills. Drawn from their previous production In the Zone’s choreography, the weekly one hour sessions will kick off at 4pm or 5.30pm every Thursday from April 30, giving you a clear window to blow your TikTok Bubble magic.   

Even better, if you book in for all 10 sessions for $100 ($15 for individual classes) you’ll automatically receive a free ticket to see In The Zone performed live by Libby at 10am on Saturday, September 19. Creative Kids vouchers can be applied to this program, making it a fantastic free option for families across NSW. Now that is worth blowing a bubble for.  

Want more ideas to keep kids entertained this term? Check out MCA’s NIRIN-inspired ideas here.

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