
Thoughts Sydneysiders have when it won't stop raining

Rain, rain, go away. Please dear god just go away

Alice Ellis
Written by
Alice Ellis
Editor in Chief, Australia
Splashes of rain water in a muddy puddle
Photograph: Chandler Cruttenden/ Unsplash | |

1. This is bullshit.”
2.Maybe there won't be a line at The Pleasure Club tonight."
3. Well, I guess I should cancel all my plans."
4. I wonder if it’s raining in Melbourne?”
5. This is bullshit.”
6. What's that warning? 'Don't drive through flood water'. Would this be considered flood water?"
7. Goodbye inside-out umbrella. You've served me faithfully these past 28 minutes."
8. “Can I still wear these slides?”
9. “Looks like I’m never going to be able to wear these slides again.”
10.Can I afford to just catch Ubers everywhere?
11. Uh-oh, Ubers will be surging."
12. “How am I going to pay for this flood damage?”
13. Ugh, rain means mould."
14. Who will bring me lunch?"
15. “Maybe I should volunteer for the State Emergency Service.” 
16. “This is bullshit.”

Need to escape indoors? Here are the best things to do when it's raining in Sydney.

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