The days of aiming for “Covid zero” are behind us now as Australia enters a hinterland between the old total suppression strategy and the coming “living with Covid” status quo. In order for us to enter this brave new world, at least 80 per cent of eligible adults in each state will need to be fully vaccinated, although once 70 per cent are double jabbed, many restrictions may be eased for people who have had two doses.
With vaccination targets now the main national objective, keeping track of the increasing percentages is going to be a daily ritual for many of us. And as has been the case multiple times, for various different metrics during the pandemic, a handy online platform exists offering real-time info on how each state’s vaccination drives are progressing. is a treasure trove of information, including the daily case tallies, the number of tests delivered and of course the vaccination percentages for each individual state and territory in Australia. It even shows comparable data about international vaccination rates and case numbers in New Zealand, for those who want a more global overview of how the pandemic is progressing. It also makes projections on when a state is likely to reach target percentages, with NSW set to reach its first 70 per cent milestone on October 18 at current rates of vaccination.
The internet is full of handy tools for unriddling the pandemic. In addition to this online platform, there are also sites to calculate your 5km exercise bubble, show you where to find a vaccination provider, keep track of the exposure sites in your area, and to help you to book your Pfizer vaccination.