
This interactive map will help you avoid magpie attacks in Sydney this swooping season

It's that time of year: magpies are terrorising the skies above Sydney. Here's how to avoid getting pecked

Written by
Rebecca Russo
Melissa Woodley
Winnie Stubbs
Cyclist being swooped by magpie
Photography: Qian Wang

Question: what do you think is the average Sydneysider's biggest fear come springtime? Is it the imminent onslaught of pollen about to hit our nostrils? The realisation that it’s already three-quarters of the way through the year and we haven’t made a dint on those new year’s resolutions? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s the fact that aggressive, dive-bombing magpies have it out for the tops of our unsuspecting heads this time of year. 

Yep, welcome to magpie swooping season, my friends.

When is magpie swooping season in Sydney?

Swooping season kicks into gear from late August to early October, which coincidentally ties into magpie breeding season. Because of this they’re ferociously protective of their nests and will stop at nothing to ward off any suspecting passers-by.  

Why do magpies swoop?

Cyclists and runners (aka anything moderately-sized and fast-moving) are prime targets for the six to eight weeks when the daring black-and-white birds build nests, incubate eggs and raise their young. They’ll stop at nothing to protect their chicks from suspecting passers-by, even if it ends in a bloody gash or swollen eye. 

In good news, only eight to ten per cent of magpies actually swoop people. Even rarer are dive bombs that cause injury rather than just scaring you off.

How to stop magpies swooping?

Should you ever stumble into a flappy face-off, then be sure to walk calmly and briskly through the magpie’s turf. Gear up with shades, a hat, a helmet and an umbrella shield if you have to pass through the area again. 

How to stop magpies swooping when cycling?

Dodging magpies on a bike is a sport in itself, and you’ll want to bedazzle your two-wheeler with flags and streamers or attach sticks to your helmet or backpack. Don't forget to stare the feathery acrobats down too, because they’ll think twice before swooping when you've got your eyes on 'em. 

Avoiding swooping has become quite the art form – pedestrians have turned to putting cut out eyes on the back of their hats and cyclists have thrown a couple spikes in their helmets to deter belligerent birds. It’s madness.


What is the best way to avoid magpie attacks in Sydney?

Well, it helps to have an ally by your side. Case in point: this website devoted to tracking magpies around town. 

Magpie Attack asks users to record magpie swoops on a map in an effort to pre-warn others about dangerous birds in their area. You can input your location, the date/time, what activity was taking place and whether an injury resulted.

As well as the comprehensive attack maps, Magpie Attack’s blog features stories of survival (“I faced off against the M7 magpie and won!”), tips on magpie proofing (apparently holding a golf club above your head does wonders for avoiding attacks, not so much for overall convenience however) and even an erroneous post about how magpies “are not your enemy!” (nice try Mr Shmagpie).

Where do magpies swoop in Sydney? 

Magpies are most likely to swoop around their nests, with Magpie Attack identifying several spots within Sydney where the swoopers are at their worst. Have a search for your area and stay safe out there guys.

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Ain't afraid of no 'pie?

Head to one of Sydney's best parks

Or hike sans helmet on one of Sydney's best walking tracks.

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