
The RSPCA is asking self-isolating Aussies to foster a rescue animal

Written by
Divya Venkataraman
Puppy poking its head out of a box
Photograph: Pixabay/Krijgsman

Self-isolating? Why not make it a little cuddlier?

With many people across the country practicing social distancing and staying at home, TheLatch found out that the RSPCA is looking for Aussies to take on pets in need of a temporary home for around two to four weeks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fancy yourself a pet parent? Just contact your local RSPCA and you might be lucky enough to be matched with a companion to ride out all this new-found downtime with. But be prepared to take your new role seriously: pets who go through the foster care system need oodles of love and care. Some need high-level attention if they're recovering from a major operation or illness, like changing bandages and administering medication. Others are just too young to qualify for adoption or are too stressed out by the shelter environment. 

If you're down to lavish a temporary fur baby with love, there's no end to the kind of pet you could share your home with for the next little while: from cats and pups, to even chicks, duckings, goats and lambs. The last couple might not work in an inner-city terrace, but you get the idea – and just imagine introducing your new duckling to your colleagues via video conference. 

What if you want to make your commitment long-term? Fostering's great for temporary company during the pandemic, but the RSPCA also runs a regular adoption service where you can choose your companion online. Get browsing. 

Confused about the ins and outs of social distancing? Check out our easy guide to this frontline viral containment measure.

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