
Did you know you can book a free pick-up for your old unwanted mattress?

Olivia Gee
Written by
Olivia Gee

If you’ve recently upgraded to a plush new sleeping station, you’re probably wondering what to do with that old dented mattress leaning in your hallway. Luckily, the City of Sydney has your back, offering a free weekly pick-up service for unwanted mattresses.

City of Sydney residents can request a mattress recycling pick-up service 52 times a year (overkill, perhaps) by booking online or calling 02 9265 9333.

The popular service has been in operation since 2012 and has just got the go-ahead to keep making the recycling runs in a bid to curb illegal dumping. Rather than turning into waterlogged homes for cunning street rodents, the mattresses are broken down, with steel springs becoming scrap metal, the foam used as carpet underlay and all the other fabric bits and bobs transformed into the innards of boxing bags.

There’s other free city recycling and disposal services for bulky white goods and furniture, plus new waste initiatives dealing in textiles, food, e-waste and community recycling in development for 2019.

Unfortunately, some suburbs do miss out, so check to see if your address qualifies.

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