
Chippendale favourite LP's Quality Meats will close its restaurant for good

The sausage factory will live on, but it's final call for diners

Written by
Elizabeth McDonald
Luke Powell slicing lamb belly
Photograph: Anna Kucera

Though it pains us deeply to report this, Chippendale's favourite smoked-meat masters LP's Quality Meats will close its restaurant doors for good. For eight years, the streets of Chippo have been filled with plumes of delicious cherrywood while chef and owner Luke Powel,l alongside partner and manager Tanya Houghton, served specialty snags, cold-smoked trout, mash and gravy and just about everything you can think to smoke to the eager masses. 

A brief closure back in 2020 to revamp the converted warehouse space into a full-on production kitchen began the evolution away from casual fine dining.

More recently, chef Isobel Little took over the reins, but the pandemic hasn't made life easy for the team. Fortunately, Sydney's appetite for the famous smallgoods has stayed strong, and the restaurant's closure is an opportunity for production to ramp up out of the Chippen Street warehouse space.

In a post on the LP's Instagram, a special shout-out was made to the extraordinary staff, both current and past, who made dining at LP's a seriously fun experience, while citing the difficulties of the last few years. We're so fortunate to have had this incredible restaurant in the Sydney arsenal and are missing it already. Bookings will be closed on August 21, so if you want one last crack, head to the LP's Quality Meats website here to snag a spot.

Not ready to say goodbye? Check out the team's awesome pizza parlour, Bella Brutta.

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