
Because I got high: The Global Drug Survey wants to know about your drug use

Cassidy Knowlton
Written by
Cassidy Knowlton
Former Editorial Director, Time Out Australia

Recreational drug taking (including drinking) is part of the nightlife of our city. Policymakers, healthcare professionals, academics and industry insiders need an accurate picture of how, why and when we take drugs in order to keep us safe while supporting nightlife and good times. To that end, the totally anonymous Global Drug Survey is asking people around the world to be honest about their drug use.

For years the Global Drug Survey (GDS) has been asking people to share their recreational drug habits by filling out a confidential and encrypted online survey. Because recreational drug use is illegal in many countries, it can be hard to get accurate information on the issue. The survey is privately commissioned by a group of international experts in drugs, health and public policy – so you don’t need to fear being contacted by the feds.

This year the GDS is focusing a lot on CBD oil, which is found in many countries in everything from dietary supplements to hand lotions. But does CBD oil actually accomplish what it says it will? It's currently only available in Australia by prescription, but many people order it online illegally. If you're one of them, the GDS wants to hear from you. 

The GDS is also asking questions like:

  • Do you take psychedelics as medicine for psychiatric illness?
  • What are your biggest regrets after drinking, if any?
  • What advice could be given to people who are drinking at risky levels to help modify their behaviour?
  • Do you have any experience with medical cannabis and/or CBD oil?
  • Have you used drugs at a club or festival?
  • What security or medical services have you encountered to help or hinder your safety with drugs?
  • How do you decide how much MDMA to take?

Since 2011 the GDS has received responses from more than half a million people, making it the largest drug survey in the world. By taking the survey you’ll be helping to make recreational drug use safer and create policy that focuses on drug use as a health issue. The survey also unearths some very interesting factoids that make you sound really smart – for instance, the 2018 survey revealed that New Zealand is the most expensive country on Earth to buy cocaine – but consumers would be willing to pay more for the drug if a fair trade option were available. 

Ready to spill your guts? Head over to the Global Drug Survey website to make your submission. 

Out late partying? Head to one of these late-night eateries to line your stomach. 

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