The City of Sydney is giving away thousands of floral and edible plants such as rosemary, mint, thyme, marigold, coleus, westringia, dianella and laurentia – all from the city’s Living Colour displays. The huge plant sale will take place at 8am on Sunday March 11 at Sydney Park. Bring a gold coin donation for each plant, which will be given to the RSPCA.
The current summer displays have been in place since January and will be 100 per cent recycled, with all plants either given away, reused or replanted. A small number of plants will also be available from Town Hall House, Glebe Library, Kings Cross Neighbourhood Centre, Ultimo Community Centre, Pyrmont Community Centre, Redfern Neighbourhood Centre and Green Square Neighbourhood Centre from Wednesday.
As always, these plant sales and giveaways are very popular with most plants disappearing within the first 30 minutes. Set your alarm and be on time if you want to walk away with new plant babies.
Need a new pot? This is where you'll find the best plant nurseries in Sydney.