
10 absolute truths that 100 per cent of Sydneysiders can agree on

We don't always agree, but this is when we do

Maya Skidmore
Written by
Maya Skidmore
The head of a juvenile Australian white ibis
Photograph: Toby Hudson

Sydney is a city of opposites. With millions of people from thousands of different cultures, places and ideologies all coexisting together in one heaving metropolis, the threat of potential disagreement is always there. This being said, there are a few things that EVERY Sydneysider 100 per cent agrees on, and we’re not being funny. Read on, and tell us we ain’t right. 

1. Rush hour in the Central tunnel on a rainy, humid Tuesday afternoon is a moment to be savoured, cherished and passed on to your grandchildren.

2. The ibis is, without a doubt, the most spectacular native animal in Sydney.

3. Any mixed cocktail from any CBD bar is an excellent and affordable choice for all boozy budget seekers.

4. Bondi is unequivocally the best beach in Sydney.

5. We all love that cafés close at 3pm. Who needs caffeine that close to bedtime?

6. Everything is within walking distance. In Avalon, but need to get to Parramatta? You’ll be there in no time. This is a city of geographical convenience.

7. Trying to find a park at any Sydney beach on a summery Saturday at midday is a joyous and easy process that rivals actually going to the beach itself.

8. The lockout laws were the best thing to ever happen to this city.

9. Living here is so affordable. We totally aren’t living in fear of rising rents pricing us out of our neighbourhoods.

10. At the end of the day, Melbourne is the superior city in every single way.

11. Happy April Fool’s! 

Sydney, we love you. To prove it, we'll be doing one of these fabulous things in town this weekend. 

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