Beyond the Valley festival

How to get tickets to sold out Australian music festivals

Don't give up hope, there are totally legal, scalper-free ways of joining your friends at their festival of choice this summer


So, you had a planning fail. You were going to wake up at nine in the morning to get tickets the day they went on sale and then you... didn't. You. Just. Didn't. Do. It. 

Now those that came prepared are going to bask in the New Year's Day sunshine, or rave in the forest, or otherwise enjoy themselves in a completely unreasonable way without you... Or not.

Plenty of festivals have scalper-free methods of getting less-than-prepared would be attendees through the doors. Here are a few sold out festivals where the window has been left open just a crack. 

Or just go to something else instead...

  • Music
  • Music festivals
  • Recommended
Sure, NSW isn't quite as lackadaisical or arty-farty as our Southern sisters when it comes to throwing festivals (OK, we're downright draconian), but there are plenty of hardworking promoters and party planners who are willing to wrestle with this state's byzantine bureaucracy and puritanical licensing laws in order to make fun times happen for small (and really, really large) groups of people. 
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