Even the most hardened, anti-camping city kid secretly wants to make their own s'more over a roaring fire, and now here's your chance, no tent required. America's favourite camp fire snack will be warming visitors to the Greens when the plush North Sydney bowlo lights up fire pits and dishes out the s'more making kits for the rest of winter.
Only seen a s'more in pre-teen summer camp movies? They're pretty simple – you toast your marshmallow and when it's soft and caramelised (or on fire if that's your technique) you sandwich it between Graham crackers (a short, not too sweet biscuit) with squares of chocolate (which get melted by the molten hot marshmallow), coming together to look a bit like this...

Best of all you won't need to worry about chopping wood and you can do it all with the comfort of a hot cocktail in hand. All the supplies you need for the DIY dessert for two is $15, or for $30 you can upgrade and get a mulled cider into the bargain. Winter won't be able to touch you after this.
Need more sugar fixes? Check out Sydney's best sweet treats.