Valentine’s gift giving is usually a bit of a drag. It’s hard to get that loving feeling when cupid brings the same obligatory gifts of flowers and chocolates every year. That’s why you should shake things up this V Day by giving a pair of underpants. That’s right, undies. The Wayside Chapel are asking the amorous to forget about service station bouquets and choc-boxes this year and instead donate a pair of undies to someone sleeping rough on Sydney’s streets.
Waydie’s Nothing Says “I Love You” Like a Pair of Clean Undies campaign is designed to shore up the centre’s stock of clean underpants, an important part of their role in providing a safe place for people to access showers and emergency clothing. Donations will also go towards the ongoing work of providing care and support to those in need.

Most of us take the comforts of life for granted, but for those less fortunate having access to the basic necessities, like a fresh pair of undies, can make a world of difference. According the the Wayside’s CEO and pastor, Reverend Graham Long, the act of giving can reverberate well beyond the material goods given. “Transformation seems to happen through a cup of coffee, given generously, or with a new pair of undies after a shower has washed the grime of the street away. Fresh undies sometimes brings fresh hope,” he says. Give the u’dacks we say.
To make a donation, visit the Wayside Chapel’s website and choose how many pairs undies you’d like to give on behalf of your beau. In return for your generosity the gods of love will smile on you – the Wayside will send a specially designed card or an e-card to your Valentine to make them feel all gooey inside. That’s enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.