The loveable rogues from Dune Rats struck up a deal with local beer brewing juggernauts Young Henrys – if the Dunies' new album went to number one on the ARIA charts, they'd let them make their very own beer. The album snagged a number one spot and the boys got the green light and collaborated with YH to create a custom tinny – the Young Henrys Dunies Lager.
Young Henrys describe the beer as having "a very subtle beery sweetness when it first hits your palette, which quickly clears to make way for mildly bitter, dry, lagery finish, so you can slam it down responsibly. We also used a brand new ingredient in this beer, called Hop Hash, which is the sticky-icky hop residue that gets caked onto the hop harvesters. You might notice it as a slightly dank aroma wafting from the tin."
They are claiming that the beer is ten per cent colder than your average tinny – and while the kids will know it's bullshit – we're still excited to crack one open. Plus everyone knows tinnies stack best in a house party fridge.
The beer is available in singles, six packs (of course), slabs of 24 and on select taps around the country. They will also be hosting a launch party this Sunday at the Cliff Dive. It's free and you can register for your chance at an invite, or if you get down early as there will be limited spaces on the door.

Want more beer? Check out Sydney's best craft beer breweries.