Elder Scrolls fans unite!
Any fan of the Elder Scrolls series will know that a staple of your in-game nutrition is the sweet roll, a baked sweet bun with icing. And now you can eat them IRL. You have Bourke Street Bakery to thank for your favourite gaming snack coming into IRL existence. To celebrate the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition they've figured out the perfect recipe for sweet rolls and they're giving them away to in-the-know fans this weekend. All you need to do to get your hands on your very own adventure roll is pop into one of the bakeries and ask for one. There's a limit to one per person and they only have so many on hand each day so if you want to live out your Skyrim fantasies, at least on a snack basis, you'll need to aim for as close to 10am as you can.
Available at all 11 Bourke Street Bakery outlets on Sat Oct 29 and Sun Oct 30 from 10am until sold out.

Want more bakery treats? Treat yourself to a high class sugar rush at Sydney's best patisseries.