Sometimes to day-to-day drudgery and politics of Sydney can get us down and leave us feeling like the fun doctors are well and truly out to get us. Then other days you pass by a free pop-up library and remember that this little city isn't so bad after all. You may have spotted them cropping up around town – DIY weatherproof mini libraries – in parks, community gardens and schools.

These boxes are made by donated by community members, functioning as an honesty-based borrowing and sharing library system. The project – which received a matching grant from the City of Sydney in 2015 – hopes to see the number of mini book stops increase from 100 to 500 over the next few years.

These boxes are made by donated by community members, functioning as an honesty-based borrowing and sharing library system. The project – which received a matching grant from the City of Sydney in 2015 – hopes to see the number of mini book stops increase from 100 to 500 over the next few years.
Haven't seen a library in your 'burb yet? Then why not get involved by making your own – 107 Projects in Redfern hosts workshops to help you build a weatherproof book case. If you know your way behind a hammer and nails then you can download DIY instructions, or purchase a ready-made box built by a local men’s shed from Street Library Australia’s website.