Sydney's Electronic Music Conference has just announced its first keynote speaker: Amsterdam's 'Night Mayor', Mirik Milan. Arriving at a pertinent time for the state of Sydney's nightlife following the two-year review of the lockout laws, Milan is set to discuss the successes of Amsterdam’s nightlife policies.
Milan heads up the Night Mayor foundation: an independent non-government initiative founded in 2012, that is dedicated to ensuring a dynamic nightlife in Amsterdam. It also functions to help build bridges between business owners, the city council, the mayor, residents and the public to create a pleasant, safe environment (sounds a little like our friends over at Keep Sydney Open).
Now in its fifth year, EMC will be stretched out across five days from November 28 until December 2 and will take place at the Ivy. Alongside keynote speeches and panels there will be interactive sessions, workshops, master classes, showcases, parties – and of course, plenty of music. Conference tickets start at $99.