Fifty years ago, a young John Kaldor changed Australian art history when he invited international artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude to Sydney to wrap two and a half kilometres of coastline with vast swathes of white fabric. The artwork made international headlines and was at that time the biggest single work ever seen in the world.
Fast forward half a century, and Kaldor has now staged 34 awe-inspiring public art projects from artists including Jeff Koons, Marina Abramovic, Gilbert & George, Jonathan Jones and Sol LeWitt. To mark this anniversary, he's inviting British artist Michael Landy to create a retrospective exhibition that uses archival material to bring the projects back to life. Each of the projects will have its own individual four-metre square archive box, most dreamed up by Landy with the original artists.
Read about Kaldor's public art journey and five of his most influential projects.