Artist Lindy Lee in black holding one of her gleaming flung bronze artworks
Photograph: Supplied/Anna Kucera/Lindy Lee

Lindy Lee: Love letters between the rain and the fire

A second major exhibition of the Australian-Chinese artist's work opens in Zetland
  • Art, Sculpture and installations
Stephen A Russell

Time Out says

Sometimes you wait around for a Lindy Lee exhibition, and sometimes two come along at once. You can still catch Moon in a Dew Drop, the sweeping overview of the awesome Australian-Chinese artist's work at the MCA until February 28. That includes checking out her latest wow-making large-scale sculpture on the forecourt. And as a bonus round you can also head over to Zetland gallery Sullivan and Strumpf to admire Lindy Lee: Love Letters Between the Rain and the Fire.

The exhibition, stretching across two floors, takes in large and medium-scale works on paper, flung bronze, wooden sculptures and figurative pieces inspired by antique Chinese artworks. “Love Letters Between the Rain and the Fire suggests intimacy and mutuality between two energies that are seemingly incompatible,” Lee says. “In Chinese folklore, all the elements are interdependent, cyclical and generative. Metal generates water, water nourishes wood, wood feeds fire, fire creates earth/ash and earth bears metal. These elements are also the energising spirits within each human life... Reconciliation, making productive peace and harmony between such volatility is at the heart of my work.”

The show opens on February 18 and runs until March 13. Let’s face it, there’s no such thing as too much Lee: all this art in one month is the perfect storm for Sydney’s art afficianados.

Love sculpture? Check out the Margel Hinder retrospective at Art Gallery NSW.


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