
Foreigners are a top Swiss worry, says survey

Written by
Emily Rose Mawson

Switzerland has a cosmopolitan feel, yet it would seem that foreign nationals are a cause for concern. In fact, almost half of the Swiss population is troubled by "foreigners", according to Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse.

The Credit Suisse Worry Barometer 2015 revealed that 43 per cent of Swiss voters worry about immigration – making it the largest concern from a list of 37.

Worries about Swiss relations with foreign nationals have been on the rise since 2012, writes the survey. Up from 40 per cent last year, the results perhaps come as little surprise given the approval in February 2014 of a popular initiative “against mass immigration”. 

Foreigners aren't the only thing keeping the Swiss awake at night, though. Also making them quiver in their boots are unemployment (41 per cent), pensions (38 per cent) and refugees (35 per cent).

The pesky euro exchange rate hasn't gone unnoticed either, with it named an important issue alongside the European Union.

At the other end of the scale - and rather unsurprisingly - there is enormous pride in Swiss neutrality, with 48 per cent describing it as the country’s main strength.

It goes hand in hand with national pride - and let's face it, who wouldn't feel proud to come from such a stunning country? Certainly not many people: 94 per cent of voters are proud or very proud to be Swiss.  

The Credit Suisse Worry Barometer is now in its 40th year. It was conducted by gfs.bern on behalf of Credit Suisse, and surveyed 1,009 voters across Switzerland about their concerns and issues.

Are you Swiss? What do you think, do you agree with these worries? Or are you an expat living in Switzerland? Do you feel welcomed, or perhaps marginalised? Sign in and add your comments in the box below.

Time Out has plenty of ways for you to get out, have fun and discover Switzerland - from Zurich to Geneva, check out our city pages for our tips on nightlife, culture, barsrestaurants and more.

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