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Flowers forever
Gift your special someone a beautifully flowering pot plant. Something that blooms prettily with constant nurtuing, the perfect symbol of love.
Dine while floating
There is something unmistakably romantic about water, be it the seaside or a lake. Go the extra mile and plan out an intimate dinner on the beach or any waterfront. With the soft breeze in your hair, a flickering candle and delicious cuisine tingling your taste buds stare into your loved one's eyes all night long.
Burn calories together
Why don't you stand out from the crowd and cycle through the romantic precincts of the Galle Fort or Galle Face Green. As the sky dazzles in shades of pink and purple, stand on the great bastions and watch the sunset.
Get creative
It's the little things that matter; a simple card, hand painted mug or breakfast in bed. Use your imagination and skills to show that special someone your care.
Pamper yourselves at the Spa
Make this day all the more speical by spending quality time together. A great way to do this is at the spa. Sooth your senses, relax, refresh and even detox on special ayurvedic remedies.
Sri Lanka is a paradise Island, with many dreamy destinations. Travel off the beaten track and experience the rare experiences the Island has to offer. Don't forget, no matter where you go, traditional Sri Lankan hospitality will make you feel right at home.
Go all out
It may be a cliché, yet everyone turns mushy and giggly when they receive a bouquet of roses, box of yummy chocolates or extravagant gifts. The world of shopping is all ready to cater to your gift-giving whims and fancies (See shopping). Make it more memorable by getting your loved one something they have been wanting for a long time.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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