NEXT Gen is a musical show featuring six parents along with their children who will perform on the same stage. The event which is being organized by Sonic Entertainment, was founded by Kasun Pasquel. The show is organised to showcase the talents of Sri Lanka's renowned vocalists and entertainers of yesteryear, along with their offspring, on one stage.
NEXT Gen will feature: Keerthi and Kasun Pasquel, Rookantha and Raini Goonathilake, Sangeeth and Sanuka Wickramasinghe, Samitha Mudunkotuwa, Kavindya Adikari, Chandani and Jacqualine Hettiarachchi.
This is a unique event that caters to the young and the old alike. While the parents are stalwarts of the musical arena, the line-up of younger artists too, have made their mark in recent years.