Directed by V. Siwadasan, Sinhaya revolves around Singha, son of a great scientist who tries to invent an object to help the armed forces in the fight against terrorists. His death leaves the family in great debt, with only an ancient house (walauwa). Singha adopts 14 children of different ages, different races and different religions who were orphaned by the cruel war.
A young lady called Punchi suggests him to rent out a portion of their unused house and consequently Hasitha a young journalist decides to move in. Wasantha, to whom the property has been mortgaged pressurises Singha to either pay or sell the property. In the mean time, Singha discovers his father’s weapon, and is shocked to find what the gadget could do. Sinhaya features Ranjith Ramanayake, Palitha Silva and Dulika Marapane in the lead roles.
Showing at:
Liberty lite
35, Srimath Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha;
011 232 5533;
Screening times: 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4.15pm, 7pm;
Tickets: Rs 400
011 505 6470;
Screening times: 10.30am, 2pm, 4.30pm, 7pm;
Tickets: Rs200 (Adults), Rs100 (Kids) ODC, Rs250 (Adults), Rs120 (Kids) Balcony
Savoy 3D Cinema
12, Savoy building, Colombo 6;
Screening times: 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4.15pm, 7pm;
Tickets: Rs730 (Adults), Rs600 (Kids) Balcony, Rs530 (Adults), Rs400 (Kids) ODC