Why did you decide to do the movie?

This role was first offered to me by Sades Kumar, producer; Donald Jayantha, co-director and Pubudu Chathuranga, script writer. I have known them for a very long time. When they met me they said that the character Maya is transgender and that it would be a controversial role. My first reaction when I saw the script was that if I took up the role there would be problems. In Sri Lanka people’s perceptions are very different. Therefore, I did not commit immediately.
I had been selected as the most popular actor in Sri Lanka for ten consecutive years and I did not want to risk my career. After I read the script I asked them whether the characters
can be changed where I play the hero’s role and Pubudu plays Maya. I have played many characters as the hero so that was a more comfortable choice. However, for the team Maya was the main character and they wanted a superstar to play the role.
Although the character first appears towards the latter part of the movie, Maya is present from the beginning as a shadow, voice, a breeze and ghost. They said that she is the most powerful character in the movie. But, I refused initally considering my responsibility as a parliamentarian as well. I did not answer their calls for sometime.
Then one day the team came to my house and told me that they wrote the script with me in mind and therefore no other person could play the role. They said that if I did not agree they would cancel the project. I realised then that they really wanted me to play this role. I stipulated my conditions and agreed.