The hatchery homes baby turtles that were either rescued or handed over. They swim in the water tanks peacefully and can be picked and held. The larger and older turtles swim alone in their pools and when you visit be careful not to touch them unless the instructors give you permission to. Given that some turtles bite, it is best to get a thumbs up from the workers before pulling them out of the water. The turtles who don’t bite will still flap their hands, however, this is an encounter one must experience so get your flip flops on and head down to pet them!
An individual now runs the hatchery, which was once run by an entire family. He is the only family member who survived the tsunami back in 2006. And he tells visitors of his eight-year long battle against depression after losing his wife, kids, parents and another family member to the tsunami when he was away in Colombo. But with all the courage and enthusiasm in the world he continues to educate and guide the visitors through a good time.