Picturesque golden sandy beaches

Most famous for its picturesque golden sandy beaches and the cool sapphire blue ocean, this is one of the most visited surfing spots in Sri Lanka. Surf boards are readily available nearby, so you can just grab one and paddle out onto the oncoming waves! Beginners can also sign up for surfing lessons at the many surf schools in Hikka. If you are not too keen on surfing, take a dip and if you are lucky you may bump into one of the friendly neighbourhood turtles! It is said that turtles swim very close to the shore almost everyday and sometimes tourists can be seen wading in to feed them some seaweed!
There is also a Turtle Farm and Hatchery which is just 2km away from the town and works to protect turtles. Here, different kinds of turtles can be seen and interacted with, and the progressive development of turtles can be observed, from the first stage where eggs are collected and buried to the hatchlings being fed and released into the sea after they are old enough to survive.