Anup Vega
Anup Vega

Exhibition of Paintings by Anup Vega

Anup Vega is a passionate artist who draws his inspiration from the beauty of nature.


May 31 – June 20

Anup Vega is an artist who aims to depcit the serenity of nature and its wonders through his craetivity. He has been drawn towards painting at a tender age by a transcendental experience, a spell of light, shapes and textures, which led him to discover his potential. From an amateur to a professional, he has taken great strides to stamp his identity in the country as well as in many international platforms. He is capable of a mapping his creative ideas from mind to paper effortlessly and fascinatingly. Vega draws inspiration from his childhood memories as he has spent most of his time immersed in the beauty of nature. 

Having created a passion for himself, he deeply delved to fulfil his desire of exploring the unseen; there is more to explore than the ordinary routine life. "Art to me is a process of witnessing. We witness with our eyes and we build our thoughts and imaginations based on what we see. I witness the wheel of time in my paintings. As art is inside the person, and he or she sees his own version of it through the mind's eye, I am very careful in provoking thoughts through my work", says Vega.

He strongly believs in two purposes in life that lead to his inspiration; one is the ce;ebartion of life and the other is learning. He emphasies that the human race is bestwoed with the powerful gift of mental capacity.

The artist's ambition is to heal and help people through his artistic creations. Extracting ideas from travel and his imagination, he contrives realistic envionmental arts as well as abstract paintings. He has exhibited his works across many internationl destinations, which has created him a wide global audience who admires and appreciates his exquisite pieces of art. Having visited many countries, he also attempts to reflect these encounters through his drawings and paintings by recreating them in his own manner.

He painstakingly creates wonderful designs on tea-sack papers and handmade papers forming a close thread between  his art and nature. Vega's ideas are very aesthetic and appwaling to the eyes.

Anup Vega's artistic creations will be exhibited at the Paradise Road Gallery. 

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