Chai Sunrise
Photograph: @chaisunrise/Instagram
Photograph: @chaisunrise/Instagram

Time Out Team: New Year resolutions we're tackling in 2023

What are your goals for this new year?

Cheryl Sekkappan

Out with the old, in with the new. The new year period is always a time of reflection and reckoning – when we look back at what went right and what could have gone better in the year before. New Year resolutions notoriously get forgotten within the month, but it still doesn't hurt to sit down and set an intention for the year ahead. That's exactly what the Time Out team did – here's our resolutions if you needed some inspiration. 

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Our New Year resolutions

Keeping it practical

Save money. Housing in Singapore is so expensive and the only way – besides having a sugar daddy/mummy – is to save smart. So I'm sticking to a budget and cutting back on unnecessary expenses, so fewer wants, and perhaps even looking into some long-term investments.

Dawson Tan, Food & Drink Writer

Building healthy habits

Instead of setting big goals for 2023, I'm focusing on tiny changes to my daily habits that will make a big impact over time. Every day, I aim to get two litres of water, one hour of movement and my two servings of fruit and veggies. On the mental health end, I'd like to start incorporating five minutes of meditation at the end of each day and hopefully move that number up to 15 by the end of the year. Baby steps!
Nicole-Marie Ng, Regional Content Director APAC

Total self-improvement

New year, new me right? This year, my resolutions are all about self-improvement. I want to get my dream body and that chiselled jawline back by sticking to my workout routine. I'm also determined to save more and spend less because adulting is hard and money doesn't grow on trees. Plus, I'm trying to me more conscious of my health and the planet by eating out less and cooking at home more. And in my free time, I'm excited to kick back and watch more films and TV shows. Bring on 2023!

Daniel Iskandar, Videographer

Taking it slow

Fresh from some pretty major heartbreak, my New Year resolution is simply to cherish friends and family more and to take care of my mental health. I got a pretty regular yoga routine started last year, so I hope to keep that going in 2023. Journaling every night has been a lifesaver the last few days, so that's a habit I hope to cultivate this year too. Yay to a better me (hopefully). 

Cheryl Sekkappan, Deputy Editor


Goodbye alcohol, my old friend

My New Year’s resolution sounds like the irrefutable regret of every person who’s partied too much over the holidays. Here goes: I want to stop drinking. It doesn’t necessarily sound like it’ll be that tricky, but for a person who’s used to downing at least a few drinks throughout the day? It’ll be challenging, to say the least. My current game plan is to go cold turkey for the first month (after all, the experts say it takes 21 straight days to forge a habit), and I’ll see how it goes from there. 

Pailin Boonlong, Branded Content Editor

Things to do for a better 2023

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