Golden Village Gold Class Suntec sure knows how to make full use of its plush darkened theatres. During lunch hour on weekdays, it opens up its otherwise empty theatres to those looking to sneak in an afternoon nap. An extra 8 bucks even gets you an entrée from the Gold Class menu. Simply select your preferred time slot (the same way you’d book a movie online) and you're all set to doze off in a cinema – free from judgement. $10/session
Siestas may be uncommon in our fast-paced city but hey, we could all use a break every now and then. Whether you’re beaten from a big night out or in the middle of a post-lunch food coma, these safe havens are great for squeezing in that much-needed midday nap. We’re pretty sure they’re more effective than multiple shots of espresso.
READ Kill two birds with one stone by taking a nap at the best spas in Singapore or check into one of Singapore's hourly hotels instead.