Trumpet flowers
Photo: Andrew Tau
Photo: Andrew Tau

See Singapore in bloom with these Instagrammable flowers

We don't need Japanese cherry blossoms when we've got our own blooming trumpet flowers

Delfina Utomo

Why travel to Japan just to catch the cherry blossoms when Singapore has beautiful blooms of its own. Trumpet flowers are in full bloom right now and can be found by the expressways, in parks and along the river. So, basically everywhere on the island. Besides being trumpet-shaped, these flowers are easily recognisable by their shade, which ranges to blush pink to fuchsia. And when the leaves fall to the floor, it's quite the spectacle. Don't believe us? Here's some proof from thestrigger-happypy snappers on Instagram. 

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Serene Koh (@serene_kle)


Berta (@bertatheexplorer) 


Marynel Marynel (@armaryneldt12)


Liy (@liyocentric)


Lawrence Wong (@lawrencewongst) 

Gillian (@creepteaup)

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the 06.09.18 nearby f l o w e r #SGBlooms2018 realising that this is called as Trumpet trees

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