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Photograph: Marvel Universe Live!/Feld Entertainment

The latest events postponed or cancelled in Singapore

Take note of the music concerts, theatre performances and art festivals that are affected by the current COVID-19 situation


The Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (Dorscon) level was raised from yellow to orange on February 7 due to COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus. But that's no reason to panic or empty supermarket shelves. Keep calm and carry on – avoid crowded places, stay safe and healthy, and of course, practise good hygiene. While you're at it, take note of events in Singapore that have either been cancelled or postponed to a later date. If you've purchased tickets for some of these, read on to find out your options.

RECOMMENDED: The best places to avoid crowds in Singapore and useful tips to stay safe and healthy in Singapore

Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar

Status: Cancelled

The iconic food market is cancelled this year. That means no grease feast and sinful street snacks (remember last year's lobster rolls and white rabbit drink?) to binge on. Other annual Hari Raya bazaars such as the ones at Wisma Geylang Serai as well as at Our Tampines Hub and in Woodlands are also cancelled.

Keep calm and stay healthy

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