Because reading palms isn’t quite enough, why not bring in some astrology, too? Master Khor has been studying the lines, mounts and callouses on palms for more than 15 years. But unlike traditional Chinese palmists, Khor uses Zodiac signs and the heavenly bodies to guide his craft ($150/hour).
To him, palmistry is the analysis of the lines on your palm, aided by intuition. A good palmist will be able to tell your current state of mind. But don't be surprised if you have to wait between six months to two years for predictions to come true. He likened palmistry to a traffic forecast – it may tell you that there’s a jam on the CTE, but a lot of us are stubborn and will still take that route. This is especially so for those seeking relationship advice: Khor noted that people in love tend not to listen to what he has to say.