Why did you start @sgforfws?

For too long we’ve treated the migrant worker population as an invisible and silent workforce. They are so much more than that. They are sons, brothers, husbands and fathers alone in a foreign land, slogging it out most days of the week, but avoided by locals on the streets.
Why do we keep them at arm’s length? It’s heartbreaking to witness such dynamics playing out in Singapore, a land built on the shoulders of immigrants. In my younger days, I tried to speak up (sent a letter to the press) when Serangoon Gardens’ residents signed a petition against a foreign worker dorm being built in their neighbourhood. Over time, I tried to speak up for workers but was not always completely successful.
I started @sgforfws in April 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in an attempt to encourage like-minded Singaporeans to write messages of love, appreciation and support for Singapore’s pool of foreign workers. They've faced much uncertainty, distress and anxiety due to the virus outbreak at their worksites, dormitories and lodgings. I felt that such a platform was needed to demonstrate to decision-makers and companies reliant on foreign workers that Singaporeans are concerned and hope for change.
On top of donating to NGOs, this was a step I felt ordinary Singaporeans like myself could take from home as we stayed home and stayed safe during the circuit breaker.
Sgforfws’ goal is to serve as a ground-up platform to build a stronger, collective Singaporean voice valuing migrant workers as we mature as a society.