This school holiday, explore the world of virtual reality (VR) at Sentosa’s first-ever VR theme park – HeadRock VR Singapore. We are giving away two pairs of Big 5 tickets (worth $100 each pair) for you and a friend (or your little sidekick) to take on the larger-than-life indoor adventure. Tapping into the latest cutting-edge technology, HeadRock VR features 11 rides where you raft across strong currents, fire at evil bots and brave a stormy blizzard. Rides are suitable for everyone above the age of six – perfect for the kiddos.
To stand a chance to win, simply fill in the form below and answer the question: What is HeadRock VR?
Closing date: March 14, the winner will be notified on March 15
*By participating in this contest, you agree to our Terms and Conditions: