Photograph: @murochkainsg/Instagram
Photograph: @murochkainsg/Instagram

9 local plant parents on Instagram to follow for home gardening inspiration

They will awe you with their green fingers

Cheryl Sekkappan

Singaporeans are crazy about plants, and the trend is only growing. Caring for a garden and having some greenery in your space is good for the mind and body – it keeps you active, purifies the air, and is said to promote calm and serenity. All good things for a stressed out bunch like us. Whether it's gardening tips you need, or gorgeous home decor inspiration you're after, here are our favourite Instagram plant parents to follow for regular green content. 

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Weird and Wonderful Edibles

Hungry for edibles (@wwedibles.sg)

 Plant enthusiasts who have bigger dreams for their home gardens might want to look to Joanna Chuah. When we visited her last year, the garden on her narrow rooftop was flourishing with herbs, vegetables and visiting bees, as well as the beginnings of a little rock pool of fish and aquatic plants. Track the progress of her latest project – a new backyard garden where she's growing more edibles and medicinal plants. Joanna has made a business out of this hobby too, selling her homegrown produce to local restaurants.

Brian's Garden Adventures

Intrepid tropical gardener (@briansgardenadventures)

One thing that home gardeners in Singapore know – it can be hard to find gardening advice that's meant for tropical weather. Avid gardener Brian Thian is hoping to plug that gap through his Instagram page, where he takes a detailed and almost scientific approach to explaining his various green projects. He gardens on a larger scale too – last we spoke to him, he'd taken his activities beyond his home, planting cassava, corn and even a cashew tree in the shared green spaces of his housing estate.


Crazy Plant Addict

Plant and philosophy (@crazyplantaddict)

Intimate, moody and a touch sentimental – that's the vibe of the @crazyplantaddict page. Pictures of sprawling potted plants in the home are interspersed with shots of foliage taken outdoors, transporting you to familiar places like Coney Island or far-flung ones like Glasgow and Amsterdam. We dig the thoughtful captions that muse on life, literature, music and more too. 

Fancy Pansy

Joyful fruits and blooms (@fancypansy_sg)

This Instagram page radiates joy – in plants and in life! Home gardener Haslinda has a private sanctuary where she grows long beans, eggplants, jalapenos, orchids and a host of other edible and flowering plants. She even has a small outdoor kitchen where she cooks up simple meals using the produce from her garden. You can depend on this account for close-ups of bulbous fruits, gorgeous blooms, winged visitors – plus captions that bubble with good humour and positivity.


Happily Ever After Plants

A leaf litter (@happily.ever.after.plants)

Leaves, leaves, leaves! What strikes us about Happily Ever After Plants are the tons of beautiful leaves on display – pink ones from the Peperomia marmorata, glossy and veiny ones from the Aglaonema rotundum, strange, mottled ones from the Begonia bowerae and so much more. Helmed by plant mom Jasmine, Happily Ever After Plants also gives away free cuttings and sometimes, whole potted plants. 


Cacti of my eye (@fsj.green)

Love yourself a good cactus? Instagram account @fsj.green has a whole army. Some are tall and mighty, some are small and cute (check out the flowering Mammillaria spinosissima), and some are charmingly weird. To change things up, this page also features regular ol' plants and ferns. We don't mind the occasional appearance of Manju the cockatiel too.



Garden sleep city (@murochkainsg)

Hannah of @murochkainsg has a bedroom to die for. Every wall and surface seems to be covered in a beautiful tangle of plants. Leaves and vines spill from pots and drip from their hangings, providing (we imagine) a serene, nature-filled space for those work-from-home days, and an assuring green cocoon for the night. Pick up the occasional tip on plant care, and get inspired for your own #greenterior goals.  

Tyco Tat

A hanging garden (@greenvertluk)

Singapore-based Canadian designer was once a shining example of how to nurture hundreds of plant babies without a spacious balcony, rooftop or backyard. It seems that he's since moved to larger digs – so more space for his mini botanic garden, a good thing! The account isn't updated as often anymore, but it's still a great joy to flip through the profusion of hanging plants (a favourite to save space) and potted oddities, some in ceramic pots handmade by Tyco himself. 



Fish and things (@tanksforthemmrs)

Plant mom @tanksforthemmrs has fish children too! If you love marine animals and plants, this account has a steady stream of posts that feature her collection of houseplants (think bromeliads, zingiberales, calathea, maranta) as well as fishtanks with lovingly scaped underwater gardens. It seems they are preparing for a big move, so expect some change ups, but there's enough content to keep you scrolling happily for days. We appreciate the occasional science lesson and myth-busting post too. 

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