Haresh Sharma’s first and all-new musical tells the story of a Las Vegas-style nightclub opening during Singapore’s swinging sixties. Based off the real-life Tropicana, a topless club and cabaret that shuttered almost 30 years ago, the musical promises to pull at your heartstrings with its mix of fun and sentimentality while exploring the individual lives of people back then. Tropicana stars the likes of Lim Yu-Beng, Brendon Fernandez and Karen Tan, and is directed by Beatrice Chia-Richmond.
Time Out says
- Event website:
- www.facebook.com/tropicanathemusical/
- Address
- Price:
- From $58
- Opening hours:
- Tue-Fri 8-10.20pm; Sat 3-5.20pm, 8-10.20pm; Sun 3-5.20pm
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