11 years after its debut, The Necessary Stage brings Haresh Sharma's Model Citizens back to the theatres. The award-winning play – which won best Director (Alvin Tan) and Best Actress (Siti Khalijah Zainal) at the 2011 The Straits Times Life! Theatre Awards – is about the unlikely meeting of three women: a minister's wife, the maid and her employer. Watch out for a performance by theatre stalwarts Goh Guat Kian, Siti Khalijah Zainal and Karen Tan. The restaging of the multi-faceted play marks the last show slated to happen at TNS' home before the company moves out in August.
This is available as Video on Demand from April 19 to May 2.
Time Out says
- Event website:
- www.necessary.org/main-season/model-citizens-2
- Address
- Price:
- From $16 (Video on Demand)
- Opening hours:
- Wed-Sat 8pm; Sat-Sun 3pm
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