FMAD tiffany ivan

Find me a date: Tiffany and Ivan

These city kids ditched Tinder and let us play matchmaker. Here’s a blow-by-blow of their blind date


The date: our daters had a meal at The Gyu Bar

First impression

Tiffany: ‘He looked like a mild and decent guy but I’m not so sure if I still stand by my initial assessment.’

Ivan: ‘We both arrived early, which is cool. I was really relieved because she seemed normal, I mean you never know what can happen on these blind dates right?’


Tiffany: ‘I think there was chemistry. We bonded over our love for travelling and food. My life is nowhere near as interesting as his, though, so I hope he feels the same way.’

Ivan: ‘The conversation flowed throughout the night but it's not like we're rushing to name our second kid or something.’

Awkward moment

Tiffany: ‘There were some inevitable awkward silences in between courses and being the shy person that I am, I tried my best to avoid eye contact. I hope he didn’t think that I was being rude.’

Ivan: ‘Not that I can recall. I guess nothing is awkward unless you think it is.’


Tiffany: ‘He suggested taking a slow walk to Orchard. It was as if he could read my mind because that's how I envisioned the night to go.’

Ivan: ‘We took a stroll down to Orchard and parted ways soon after, we both enjoy walking so it was nice.’


Tiffany: ♥♥♥♥ ‘He's easy to talk to and I felt comfortable around him. But since it's only our first date, I can’t be too sure if we’re entirely compatible.’

Ivan: ♥♥♥♥ ‘Overall, the date went well but it's too early to tell. As I’ve said, I have pretty high standards so unless she's a snake charmer of sorts, five hearts are hard to come by.’

Can't get enough? Read on for other blind date stories

  • Sex and dating
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The couples

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