Hip hop

There’s more to hip hop than Drake and Kanye West. Three notable subgenres of the music are: gangsta rap, which emphasises the ‘gangsta’ lifestyle with heavy hitting beats and harsh vocals; miami bass, which can be identified by its raised tempos, explicitly sexual lyrics, sustained kick drums and ‘hissy’ cymbals; and trap, with its double-time, 70 beats per minute (bpm) sound that’s accompanied by strings and cinematic synths.
According to DJ LeNERD
‘I’ve been spinning for close to nine years now, and hip hop is more than just a genre to me – it’s a way of life and a culture in itself. There are many subgenres within it, with the popular ones being breaks, rap, trap and dirty south. Then there’s turntablism, am artform where turntables are used as an instrument to manipulate songs by adding layers to build on – or create – an original track.’
Check out FRESH on Saturday nights and ESCAPADE, a Wednesday night party, both at Phuture for your fix of urban tunes.