Settling into the working-from-home life during this 'circuit breaker' period? You’re not alone, so are millions of people around the globe. But if you’re one of the superstars working hard out there to save lives, we applaud you (Clap for #SGUnited happens every Monday, but you can still show your appreciation elsewhere).
If staying motivated outside the office seems a lot trickier – and you might do from missing your favourite colleagues, addictive pantry snacks and banter of office life (who doesn’t?) – we’ve got some positive tips of our own to share. Beyond the 28-day plan we’ve set up, we’ll also be bringing a daily dose of the things we’re loving right now. So shake up your daily routine with a recommendation of food, music, movies, workouts and more you can experience from your sweet digs.

Photograph: Time Out Singapore
What we’re ordering: Yunos N Family’s famed mee rebus
On the menu today is a local favourite: mee rebus. And no one does a good bowl of egg noodles in thick savoury broth quite like Yunos N Family. The ribs were slow-cooked, leaving the meat to fall off the bone easily.
As its 724 Ang Mo Kio Market & Food Centre stall remains shut during these unprecedented times, the family biz is collecting pre-orders for its signature mee rebus ($3.50), as well as other dishes like soto ($3.50) and gado gado ($4.50), with island-wide delivery at $10 per location. Plus, there’s no minimum order. Simply order by texting your name, address and order to 9058 2057. Follow its Instagram page (@yunosnfamily) for more updates including a special menu.

What we’re listening: Kalah by Fariz Jabba and Omar Kenobi
Hit the pause button on the mainstream charts and get cultured with music in a different language. And since we’re all stuck at our home desks, tied to our screens and drowning in emails and text messages, we could all use an escape with something far from the usual Top 40 hits.
Right now, we’re vibing to Kalah, the brainchild of Singapore’s hip-hop trailblazers Fariz Jabba and Omar Kenobi (who’s also one-third of Mediocre Haircut Crew). Rapped in both Malay and English, the unapologetic track is amped up with infectious synths, trap-inspired beats and witty bars, and is accompanied with a wacky music video, recently dropped on April 9.
Laced with tongue-in-cheek humour, Kalah was produced at the home studio of Omar Kenobi, starting as a fun freestyle before evolving into a wicked track. “We decided we weren’t going to think twice about how we felt when we wrote the lyrics, so the silly and witty lines in the song are my most honest thoughts,” confessed Fariz Jabba. “No matter how much life tries to knock you down, admitting defeat is not an option!”
Unlike what it says on the tin, this winning track is far from kalah (‘lose’ in Malay). Watch the music video via Youtube, or stream via Spotify.

Photograph: Barry's Bootcamp
What we’re doing: Barry’s at Home
Since working from home is the new normal, so is working up a sweat in your living room. Recreate your pad into Barry’s famous Red Room and have your Bootcamp fix with its free online classes via Instagram Live (@barrysingapore). Each 30-minute session is led by its team of energetic instructors. The trendy, heart-pumping HIIT workout not only tones your muscles with exercises that use your entire body weight but also increases your productivity levels – just what you need to chase the Monday blues away.
Push yourself to the physical limit by sparing 30-minutes of your AM working out with Barry’s Singapore every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8am.