The top things in Singapore people are talking about in February 2018 – served up in bite-sized format.

1. Money on my mind
Our Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat recently delivered the Singapore Budget 2018 on February 19 and it's a bitter-sweet one. All Singaporeans aged 21 and above will get a one-off 'hongbao' (or red packet) of up to $300 from the government, following a 2017 Budget surplus. But on another note, the goods and services tax (GST) will be raised from 7% to 9%, implemented sometime from 2021 to 2025. Get ready to dig deeper into your pockets people.

2. Escape artist
The City Harvest Church megachurch scandal is the gift that keeps on giving. Just when you thought the what-seems-like-going-on-forever saga is closed after the final verdict was announced on February 1 (all six involved will serve jail terms), former fund manager Chew Eng Han jumped bail and tried to flee the country in an motorised sampan from Pulau Ubin.

3. Spacewalking
Don’t look down. Airzone is the world’s first indoor suspended net playground at City Square Mall. Net structures hang above the atrium, providing four levels of activities including bouncy balls, a giant Zorb ball, a giant slide, obstacle course and a ball pit – the last of which caused a bit of a stir as a video of a lady 'drowning' in the sea of balls emerged on social media.

4. What's in a name?
A bar at China Square Central has been in a tricky situation after the Embassy of Colombia in Singapore took issue with its name, Escobar. It’s named after the late Colombian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. The owner has said it'll change the bar's logo but is still ‘here to stay’.

5. Stay salty
It’s been a good five years since the salted egg yolk trend first took off in Singapore and yet it shows no signs of slowing down. Turn your eyes to Taiwanese brand Kazo’s new salted egg yolk Danish polo buns – just break apart the flaky croissants to reveal their oozy goodness.

6. Don't play play
Singaporeans took to the internet to defend our country when it was ranked at 31 out of the 32 on the Time Out City Index list of most exciting cities. Singapore Tourism Board (STB) even did an excellent response video that you can view over here.